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Mingara Interclub - 30/01/2021 Mingara Athletics Track Event 16 Women 200 Metre Open ======================================================================= Name Age Team Finals Points ======================================================================= Section 1 Wind: +0.0 1 Quirk, Monique 20 Campbelltown 23.48 2 Pasternatsky, Larissa 30 Sydney University 23.85 3 Carroll, Bronte 22 Mingara Athl 23.91 4 McAndrew, Kelly 27 Mingara Athl 24.22 5 Laurance, Jessica 18 Campbelltown 24.63 6 Guthrie, Jasmin 18 U.T.S. North 24.88 7 Munro, Georgia 18 Macquarie Hunter 24.95 -- Wearne, Christine 34 Mounties Ath DNS Section 2 Wind: 1.1 1 York, Alexandra 18 Trinity Athl 25.12 2 Kabuyawa, Tuliana 15 Campbelltown 25.31 3 Cotton, Emma 18 Port Stephen 25.42 4 Campbell, Paige 16 Campbelltown 25.53 5 Kelaher, Morgan 18 U.T.S. North 25.54 6 Heath, Jenna 24 Adamstown Ne 25.69 7 Pickering, Bronte 20 Campbelltown 25.97 8 Andrews, Greta 18 U.T.S. North 26.23 Section 3 Wind: 1.3 1 Fuller, Sundance 20 Campbelltown 24.82 2 Bennett, Rebecca 22 Sydney University 25.04 3 Bloor, Erin 18 Camden Athle 25.68 4 Sugiaman, Francesca 19 Cherrybrook 25.78 5 Douglas, Susie 20 University of Nsw 25.79 6 Idris, Raphaila 15 Campbelltown 25.97 7 Hurdman, Shari 14 Port Stephen 26.15 8 Watts, Isabella 17 Wallsend Rsl 26.31 Section 4 Wind: 0.1 1 windshuttle, Angelina 16 Bankstown Sp 26.00 2 Halmy, Bethany 26 Manly Warrin 26.20 3 Phillips, Cayla 16 U.T.S. North 26.33 4 Tozer, Eleanor 17 Athletics Wo 26.37 5 McGOON, Destiny 16 Westfields 26.37 6 Wright, Hayley 17 Campbelltown 26.44 7 Maciver, Jessica 18 U.T.S. North 26.47 -- Cramer, Elysha 18 Manly Warrin DNS Section 5 Wind: +0.0 1 Pye, Scarlett 21 Asics Wests 26.29 2 McNally, Ainslie 15 Hills Distri 26.40 3 Peter, Esther 15 Campbelltown 27.63 4 O’neill, Jacqueline 28 Mingara Athl 27.81 5 Boland, Gemma 14 Dubbo Athlet 28.43 -- Moore, Kailee 17 Athletics Wo DNS -- Tan, Xin Min 15 U.T.S. North DNS -- Perry, Monique 47 U.T.S. North DNS Section 6 Wind: +0.0 1 Campos, Georgia 15 Mounties Ath 26.90 2 Berglund, Phoebe 15 U.T.S. North 27.40 3 Snelling, Emily 16 Blue Mountai 27.64 4 Fisher, Isabella 14 Cherrybrook 27.65 5 Standish, Ella 15 Asics Wests 27.98 6 Green, Tiarna 14 Camden Athle 27.99 7 Russell, Caitlin 13 Cherrybrook 28.21 8 Bowrey, Amie 20 Cherrybrook 28.69 Section 7 Wind: 1.3 1 Hugo, Amelie 14 Blue Mountai 27.54 2 Wallace, Ella 15 Blue Mountai 27.91 3 McGrath, Lulu 15 Coffs Harbou 28.30 4 Giampietro, Ainsley 13 Blue Mountai 28.77 5 Mclellan, Chloe 14 Maitland Sen 29.11 6 Gardiner, Faith 14 Macquarie Hunter 30.02 -- Tallentire, Jessica 18 Manly Warrin DNS -- Kourembes, Jessica 18 Camden Athle DNS Section 8 Wind: 1.4 1 Hardy, Ava-Rose 15 Sutherland D 28.37 2 Bassett, Karina 16 Hornsby Dist 28.61 3 Haremaker, Alyssa 13 Mingara Athl 29.39 4 Wearne, Sylvette 57 Mounties Ath 31.16 5 Townsend, Vicki 57 Nsw Masters 31.43 6 Houghton, Tylah 13 Mingara Athl 32.84 7 Angell, Karen 54 Mingara Athl 34.41 8 Scott, Belinda 20 Asics Wests 34.52 Section 9 Wind: +0.0 1 Ingram, Richelle 52 Mingara Athl 30.37 2 Teh, Hooi Hooi 47 U.T.S. North 32.22 3 Schell, Jenny 59 U.T.S. North 32.82 -- McTernan, Abby 13 Gosford Litt DNS -- Cowell, Lynne 62 Mingara Athl DNS =============================================================================== Name Age Team Finals Wind H# Points =============================================================================== Finals 1 Quirk, Monique 20 Campbelltown 23.48 +0.0 1 2 Pasternatsky, Larissa 30 Sydney University 23.85 +0.0 1 3 Carroll, Bronte 22 Mingara Athl 23.91 +0.0 1 4 McAndrew, Kelly 27 Mingara Athl 24.22 +0.0 1 5 Laurance, Jessica 18 Campbelltown 24.63 +0.0 1 6 Fuller, Sundance 20 Campbelltown 24.82 1.3 3 7 Guthrie, Jasmin 18 U.T.S. North 24.88 +0.0 1 8 Munro, Georgia 18 Macquarie Hunter 24.95 +0.0 1 9 Bennett, Rebecca 22 Sydney University 25.04 1.3 3 10 York, Alexandra 18 Trinity Athl 25.12 1.1 2 11 Kabuyawa, Tuliana 15 Campbelltown 25.31 1.1 2 12 Cotton, Emma 18 Port Stephen 25.42 1.1 2 13 Campbell, Paige 16 Campbelltown 25.53 1.1 2 14 Kelaher, Morgan 18 U.T.S. North 25.54 1.1 2 15 Bloor, Erin 18 Camden Athle 25.68 1.3 3 16 Heath, Jenna 24 Adamstown Ne 25.69 1.1 2 17 Sugiaman, Francesca 19 Cherrybrook 25.78 1.3 3 18 Douglas, Susie 20 University of Nsw 25.79 1.3 3 19 Pickering, Bronte 20 Campbelltown 25.97 1.1 2 20 Idris, Raphaila 15 Campbelltown 25.97 1.3 3 21 windshuttle, Angelina 16 Bankstown Sp 26.00 0.1 4 22 Hurdman, Shari 14 Port Stephen 26.15 1.3 3 23 Halmy, Bethany 26 Manly Warrin 26.20 0.1 4 24 Andrews, Greta 18 U.T.S. North 26.23 1.1 2 25 Pye, Scarlett 21 Asics Wests 26.29 +0.0 5 26 Watts, Isabella 17 Wallsend Rsl 26.31 1.3 3 27 Phillips, Cayla 16 U.T.S. North 26.33 0.1 4 28 Tozer, Eleanor 17 Athletics Wo 26.37 0.1 4 29 McGOON, Destiny 16 Westfields 26.37 0.1 4 30 McNally, Ainslie 15 Hills Distri 26.40 +0.0 5 31 Wright, Hayley 17 Campbelltown 26.44 0.1 4 32 Maciver, Jessica 18 U.T.S. North 26.47 0.1 4 33 Campos, Georgia 15 Mounties Ath 26.90 +0.0 6 34 Berglund, Phoebe 15 U.T.S. North 27.40 +0.0 6 35 Hugo, Amelie 14 Blue Mountai 27.54 1.3 7 36 Peter, Esther 15 Campbelltown 27.63 +0.0 5 37 Snelling, Emily 16 Blue Mountai 27.64 +0.0 6 38 Fisher, Isabella 14 Cherrybrook 27.65 +0.0 6 39 O’neill, Jacqueline 28 Mingara Athl 27.81 +0.0 5 40 Wallace, Ella 15 Blue Mountai 27.91 1.3 7 41 Standish, Ella 15 Asics Wests 27.98 +0.0 6 42 Green, Tiarna 14 Camden Athle 27.99 +0.0 6 43 Russell, Caitlin 13 Cherrybrook 28.21 +0.0 6 44 McGrath, Lulu 15 Coffs Harbou 28.30 1.3 7 45 Hardy, Ava-Rose 15 Sutherland D 28.37 1.4 8 46 Boland, Gemma 14 Dubbo Athlet 28.43 +0.0 5 47 Bassett, Karina 16 Hornsby Dist 28.61 1.4 8 48 Bowrey, Amie 20 Cherrybrook 28.69 +0.0 6 49 Giampietro, Ainsley 13 Blue Mountai 28.77 1.3 7 50 Mclellan, Chloe 14 Maitland Sen 29.11 1.3 7 51 Haremaker, Alyssa 13 Mingara Athl 29.39 1.4 8 52 Gardiner, Faith 14 Macquarie Hunter 30.02 1.3 7 53 Ingram, Richelle 52 Mingara Athl 30.37 +0.0 9 54 Wearne, Sylvette 57 Mounties Ath 31.16 1.4 8 55 Townsend, Vicki 57 Nsw Masters 31.43 1.4 8 56 Teh, Hooi Hooi 47 U.T.S. North 32.22 +0.0 9 57 Schell, Jenny 59 U.T.S. North 32.82 +0.0 9 58 Houghton, Tylah 13 Mingara Athl 32.84 1.4 8 59 Angell, Karen 54 Mingara Athl 34.41 1.4 8 60 Scott, Belinda 20 Asics Wests 34.52 1.4 8 -- Kourembes, Jessica 18 Camden Athle DNS 1.3 7 -- Tallentire, Jessica 18 Manly Warrin DNS 1.3 7 -- Cowell, Lynne 62 Mingara Athl DNS +0.0 9 -- Wearne, Christine 34 Mounties Ath DNS +0.0 1 -- McTernan, Abby 13 Gosford Litt DNS +0.0 9 -- Cramer, Elysha 18 Manly Warrin DNS 0.1 4 -- Perry, Monique 47 U.T.S. North DNS +0.0 5 -- Tan, Xin Min 15 U.T.S. North DNS +0.0 5 -- Moore, Kailee 17 Athletics Wo DNS +0.0 5
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