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Illawong & Districts Athletics Club 14/02/2022 - 1:05 PM 2022 Illawong Track Challenge - 12/02/2022 The Ridge Athletics Track Event 7 Women 100 Metre Hurdles 76.2cm ============================================================================ Name Year Team Finals Wind Points ============================================================================ Finals 1 Lampret, Jasynta Sutherland D 14.70 +0.0 2 Nystrom, Isabel Randwick Bot 15.03 +0.0 3 Paki, Talahn Hills Distri 15.27 +0.0 4 Byrne, Jaimie Sutherland D 15.55 +0.0 5 Kasozi, Lauryn Campbelltown 16.17 +0.0 6 Allen, Phoebe Blue Mountai 17.80 +0.0 7 Smithson, Elizabeth Sutherland D 17.82 +0.0
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